Celebrating 15 Years of Service - A THANK YOU from the Founder/CEO

As the founder of Trucking Start-Up Services, LLC, National Fleet Services, LLC, & Trucking Qualification Services, LLC, I am extremely proud and happy to make a huge announcement. We celebrated 15 years in 2020. It all started with an idea late one night in the lobby of a hotel in March of 2005. I had the idea to start a company with the simple idea to give back to the trucking industry and those most impacted by all of the complex regulations and rules. I was looking for a service provider to help some of my various clients in the transportation industry at the time. To my surprise, I learned of all of these companies providing start-up trucking and compliance services at crazy high prices. Some companies were even selling unrequired permits or services by lying or using faulty information to pressure or even scare truckers to purchase things they already had or did not even need to be complaint.
I am very thankful for the trucking industry and those who are driving trucks every day! All Americans would be without food, clothing, medication and even the COVID19 vaccine without truckers. All of our employees and companies (must) operate with our guiding principles of Integrity, Respect, Professionalism and Educate (our clients and each other). I will be the first to say that we are not perfect but we strive to make a difference and provide better service everyday. I have held our employees and myself to the guiding principles since our very first client in March of 2005 so that we can make a difference in the transportation industry. We want to make a positive difference to everyone we have the honor of providing services to - OUR LOYAL CUSTOMERS and CLIENTS.
I thank YOU and I wish YOU success and happiness in 2021,
Matthew Bowles
National Fleet Services, LLC
Trucking Start-Up Services, LLC
Trucking Qualification Services, LLC
1+49 Process Agents LLC