Kentucky Highway Use Tax License (KYU)

Kentucky Highway Use Tax License (KYU)

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(Provide FEIN or SSN if a sole proprietor. It must match FMCSA USDOT record.)
(If a business type is Partnership, Corporation, or LLC, list the name and title of corporate owners, partners and officers for the company - Example: John Doe/President
(Full 17-digit VIN for vehicle. MUST BE IN CAPITAL LETTERS)
(No more than 6 digits)
(4 digit Year)
(The highest actual combined gross weight of the vehicle and any towed unit when operated on the public highways of Kentucky. Example: 80,000)

Kentucky imposes a highway use tax on owners, operators, and registrants traveling on Kentucky roadways with a combined license weight greater than 59,999 pounds.

This tax is based on vehicle weight and miles traveled on Kentucky roads. Companies must register for each vehicle. 


Those subject to the Highway Use Tax (KYU) must file a Kentucky Highway Use tax return on a quarterly basis, and pay the tax due.